Sunday 28 September 2014

The weekend

We were going to go to Old Trafford on Saturday. On Friday evening we went to meet my sister-in-law in Cambridge and the car broke down. The key wouldn't switch on the ignition. We had to get my brother-in- law to come out to take us to his house where we were staying overnight.
Next day we rang Mercedes roadside help and their man said the steering lock has failed. This means that when the key was put in it didn't release the lock as it normally would because it wasn't in fact locked. The car didn't know this and so said 'I'm not going anywhere with locked steering.'
We had to wait for the rescue vehicle then we went to th Botanical Gardens. We have been saying that we must visit it for many, many years.
The day was sunny and almost hot. No, it was hot. The gardens were very interesting. They have some incredible trees. There's a black walnut tree that is enormous. It must be very old indeed. The lake has a patch of gunnera and some bamboo too. However the place is so huge that it can take it and I suppose that they keep it under better control than it was in 'our' park! That part of the day was most enjoyable.
They had told us that our courtesy vehicle would be brought to us at 5o'clock. We got back to the place at 4:30 and by 5:30 there was no sign so I rang the hire company and they said they had 8:00 down. There is no way we would have agreed to that late. They then said they would have it there in 20 minutes. By 6:15 it arrived.
It is the Mercedes MPV and is like a building. The ride isn't all it could be either. It was like being in a boat on a choppy sea! We laughed all the way back to my brother-in-law's about the way it rolled.
So we didn't get to the match. We've just watched it on MUTV. Brilliant in the first half but they really struggled in the second half, but they have a terrible injury problem.

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