Tuesday 5 September 2017

Horselords 3

The raiding party moved ever westwards. the mountains the Horselords called The Barrier, retreated ever further away until they were just a blue haze on the horizon. Kimi looked longingly at them as she rode surrounded by Prowling Lynx warriors. Her home was at the foot of those mountains. Would she ever see it again? She prayed for a miracle, but the days passed and none arrived.

One evening, just as the men began to set up the camp, Kimi heard the sound of galloping hooves. She was inside her tent with a guard as they had put her tent up first. Not for any chivalrous reasons. Just that they thought she would be less likely to escape if she were safely in her tent with a guard.

Sounds of shouting came through the thin walls of the tent, followed by the noise of fighting. Horses whinneyed in fear, men shouted and the sound of metal on metal rang through the air. Kimi's guard was in the process of tying her up, but when he heard the sounds, he rushed out to help his friends, leaving her alone and free. She thought of trying to make a break, but the sounds of fighting were all around. She thought she might be safer in here than out there.

Then suddenly, all was silent. Kimi crept to the tent door and peeped out. Her captors were now the captives. They stood in a huddle, surrounded by other men. A few bodies lay on the ground, and several of the captives had sustained wounds.

I hope the chief's son is hurt, she thought, surprising herself at this thought. She had never been vindictive. But then, she had never been kidnapped and threatened with marriage to a violent man before.

One man walked round the group of captives. she listened to what he said.

'You dare to cross the lands of the Swooping Hawks? You will come with us to our chief. There you will be tried.'

Kimi tried to slip back into the tent, but the man saw her and came over.

Kimi shrank back. This man was fairly tall, around five foot eleven, with a proud bearing. He wore his dark hair long and tied with a bandana to keep it from his eyes.

It was not his height or bearing that made Kimi afraid, though. On his face was a tattoo. This tattoo was in the shape of a hawk with its wings spread over his forehead, head down his straight nose and talons on his cheeks.

'Who are you?' he asked her. 'I'm surprised they brought a woman on their raid. Even if they are Prowling Lynx '

'I...I'm not with them,' she stuttered.

He raised his eyebrows, making the hawk's wings seem to flutter.

'Then what are you doing here?'

Kimi swallowed. They raided my family's ranch and took our best horses. When we went to try to get them back, they captured me.' She took a deep breath to try to stop tears. 'They were going to make me marry their chief's son. He was cruel. He taunted and hit me.'

Now Kimi could no longer be brave, and tears began to fall. The young warrior strode out of the tent without looking back.

She heard the sounds of his feet striding towards the group of prisoners. Then she heard the young warrior's voice calling to them. He called a name, but no one replied. There was silence for a while, then she heard quiet voices before the sounds of someone being beaten.

Shortly, the young warrior returned.

'I taught him a lesson,' he said. 'Now we go to my father for him to judge them for trespassing and theft. Come.'

He left the tent before Kimi could reply, leaving her to follow.

When she caught up, he turned and said, 'You ride one of your horses. We go back to my people.'

'Why can't you take me to my people?' Kimi replied.

'We need to take these men back first. See my father then see what he says.'

Has Kimi fallen into the hands of another tribe? What will they do with her?

Find out on the first Tuesday of next month.

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