Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Review of Origin by Dave Higgins



Some people are born to advantage, privilege. Edmond was born to village idiots who put all his skill points into Luck. They knew an opportunity to win the lottery when they saw it. Edmond doesn’t want to be a winning ticket. He dreams of becoming a great hero and scholar. Impossible goals when your Intelligence and Wisdom stats couldn’t be lower. Is Edmond nothing but a walking rabbit’s foot? Will his parents’ dreams of easy fortune come true? It’s all just a lucky roll away.


I enjoyed this book. It is a very light read, so if you want something purely to entertain you, this is the book for you.
People have been given points at birth to add to particular traits. Edmond's parents added his points to Luck. His father had points added to Strength, and his mother to Charisma. Both had very few in Intelligence, and this leads them into many scrapes and having to run away from many towns and villages due to their ill-thought-out get rich schemes.
They hope to use Edmond's Luck to make their fortune, but, of course, it does not turn out that way.
This book is amusing, and has an original concept. It is well written, but, with the characters having one main characteristic, they are not fully developed people. This is inevitable with the concept, though.
I enjoyed reading it, and look forward to the sequel.

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